
Monday, December 26, 2011

The Prophecy

This is a Story I have been working on, my little sister Emily, says I keep on working on too many projects. I should just focus on getting done at least my first story but I cant help it. I have been able to create this Story by combining my two favorite hobbies. I love writing of course but I also love myths and legends so I have created a whole other world filled myths, legends and magic. This story titled "The Prophecy" is about a girl who is destined to bring the Light and put an end the Darkness. Rachel has all the three traits to fulfill the forgotten prophecy. This is the Prophecy:

A Believer’s Eyes
A Magical Soul
A Human Heart
These will seek the pieces before they break apart
The Legend lies in the Deep Blue Sea
There you find the Clues
Wherever they maybe

The Pieces of the Prophecy will lead to the end of Darkness
The Ones
Corrupted and Heartless will disappear
The Legends will search Relentless
Until all the pieces are in the Sphere
Then Legends will lead you Here

The Pieces of the Prophecy
Begin in a Symphony
A Combo of Alto and Soprano
Which will Harmonize as pretty as a piano
The Melody you seek both High and Low
Can be found within the echo’s  

The Three Rings lead to the King’s City
Use the shells to find the right cord
There the melody will find the sword

Guarded by Griffins
But the passage way is hidden
The Map’s Reflection is forbidden
Only through the Eyes of the Griffins can the message be readen

With each piece of the poem, Rachel and her friends come one step closer to find the keys, these keys are scattered in different realms. Rachel and her friends travel to Atlantis, Siren's Shore, Dragon Country, Camelot, Cloud's Castle and many other mythical worlds to bring the light back and defeat the Darkness.